Switchresx simplified settings ctv ctv-rb ctv-rb2
Switchresx simplified settings ctv ctv-rb ctv-rb2

switchresx simplified settings ctv ctv-rb ctv-rb2

Figure 17 - Cumulative density function of NH 3 concentrations for August at 1 km along the centre of the plume in the North Saskatchewan Rive r.Figure 16 - Risk curve for un-ionized ammonia at the central station in Hamilton Harbour.Figure 15 - Un-ionized ammonia concentrations in Windermere Arm, Hamilton Harbour.Figure 14 - Total and un-ionized ammonia concentrations at the central station in Hamilton Harbour, 1-m depth.Figure 13 - Seasonal fluctuations in ammonia at the central station in Hamilton Harbour.Figure 11 - North Saskatchewan River in the vicinity of Edmonton.Figure 10 - Discharge of Toronto municipal effluent into Lake Ontario, September 1998.Figure 9 - Chronic ACRM for Canadian species listed in Table 6.Figure 8 - Acute ACRM for Canadian freshwater species.Figure 7 - Un-ionized ammonia concentrations upstream and downstream of Edmonton.Figure 6 - Modelled total nitrogen deposition (kg/ha per year) for the Lower Fraser Valley.Figure 5 - Ammonia air emissions inventory for the Lower Fraser Valley, 1996-1997.Figure 4 - Dispersion of NH 3 downwind of a feedlot.Figure 3 - Fate analysis of ammonia in aquatic environments.Figure 2 - Fate analysis of ammonia in the atmosphere.3.4 Considerations for follow-up (further action).3.2 CEPA 1999 64(b): Environment upon which life depends.

switchresx simplified settings ctv ctv-rb ctv-rb2 Interpretation of ecological significance.3.1.2 Environmental risk characterization.3.0 Assessment of "TOXIC" under CEPA 1999.2.5.4 Factors affecting the aquatic toxicity of ammonia.2.5.3 Accumulation in aquatic organisms.2.5 Toxicokinetics, mode of action and metabolism.2.4.6 Abiotic effects mediated through the atmosphere.2.4.4 Acute and sublethal effects on saltwater organisms.

switchresx simplified settings ctv ctv-rb ctv-rb2

  • 2.4.3 Sublethal effects on freshwater organisms.
  • 2.4.2 Acute effects on freshwater organisms.
  • Case study: The Lower Fraser Valley.
  • 2.1 Identity and physical/chemical properties.
  • 2.0 Summary of Information Critical to Assessment of "Toxic" under CEPA 1999.

  • Switchresx simplified settings ctv ctv-rb ctv-rb2